The celebration of Indian National Days is taken up by the association as a unique opportunity to showcase the talent of the children. In order to do so, the whole event focuses on the children, by being for the children, and by the children.
In addition to education and empowerment, a core value at RDWA is enjoyment of the children and the events provide the same. Every stage of the events’ preparation becomes a learning process for children as well as for the youth involved. Collaboratively they have celebrated Independence day 2017 at “Ahimsa Chowk”, Center point, Aligarh.
While the preparation and management were taken care of by RDWA children and volunteers, school and college students also donate anonymously or volunteer to help with logistics. Collaborative efforts like these certainly bring smile and joy in the lives of children in street situations. And till today, they recall and perform all the songs and dances of that day.

Dancing on the stage for the very first time.
They were not just dancing that day, they were expressing to the society, the joy and innocence they have, even when the social conditions are unimaginable for many of us to survive in.

When the whole team dances together.
This picture rightly shows the joy of togetherness in each and everyone’s face

Yes, I am the main part of this whole celebration.

The joy was not limited to the stage and children.

It’s when their parents get the appreciation for sending their children for education and not for begging…

Making the whole audience teary by their words and poetry.